• Ridd

Advanced Figma

Learn advanced design tactics with hands-on lessons built directly within Figma. Trusted by 4,000+ designers from Stripe, Shopify, Twitter, and the top teams in tech. ❖ Master advanced design techniques ❖ Become your engineering team's favorite designer ❖ Take the course directly in Figma View the full landing page below 👇


$899 USD

Next cohort:

Feb 19 - Marc 16

Meet Ridd

Hi, I'm Ridd 👋 I've been designing digital products every day for the last 10 years. Founder here at Dive and previously the founding designer at Maven. I'm passionate about helping others grow in their careers and luckily I've been fortunate to train thousands of designers from all over the world 🌍 Let me show you just how fast you can work in Figma :)